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Blickfelder Festival

Press Play

Of Avatars and Algorithms

KOPERGIETERY, KGbe & playField (BE)

Take the controller in your hand and decide what happens on stage. "Press Play" is an interactive show where everyone in the audience collaborates to determine how the world on stage changes, how the story unfolds, and how it will end for the characters. The world appears to be increasingly 'moldable.' This gives us a false sense of control and, above all, burdens us with an enormous sense of responsibility: Is it up to you to determine who you are? Or is that just an illusion? Are you manipulating things, or are you actually being manipulated? What if you're not the only one with a remote control? And is there even a pause button?

"Press Play" explores the land behind the avatars: the hidden algorithms that secretly guide us in a certain direction. Is it time to resist? Join in and let the game begin! For children, teenagers, and adults alike, for control freaks, nerds, and anyone who enjoys playing."

Following the performance, debriefing sessions will be conducted for one class each from the canton and the city, focusing on the theme of self-determination (Duration: 60 minutes, including a break).

Schauspielhaus Zürich (Schiffbau)
60 minutes
International Theatre/Dance Programme
Wheelchair accessible
Swiss-German Sign Language
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
Press Play (Photo: Kurt Van der Elst)
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Yemi Oduwale, Lana Schneider, Marthe Schneider, Ilja Van Autreve


Lana Schneider


Marthe Schneider & Yemi Oduwale


Tim De Paepe

Software Development:


Data visualization:

Genia Rappé

Design controller:

Jamie Goegebeur, Seppe Van Hecke

In collaboration with:

GEMH lab & Koontz Interactive

Pre-project in collaboration with:


Thanks to:

Bavo De Kuysscher, Jens De Wulf, Brecht Lauwers

With the support of:

the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government and the city of Ghent