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Blickfelder Festival

Pomes Fritttes

Animal feed for humans

Roshan Adhihetty (CH)

The artist Roshan Adhihetty is researching potatoes. He is fascinated by the aesthetics of sprouting tubers, which can grow into quite wondrous shapes. In his chip shop, made from reclaimed wood, potatoes are allowed to be tasted and fried. The potatoes to be fried were sorted out due to atypical shapes and would typically be processed into animal feed. A sensory delight for all!

Festival Center
Further programme
Wheelchair accessible
no age recommendation
Pomes Fritttes (Photo: Roshan Adhihetty)



Roshan Adhihetty


Roshan Adhihetty, TI1 & TI2 (TAST-Integral - Ganztagesstruktur der AOZ für minderjährig geflüchtete Jugendliche