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Blickfelder Festival

Goodbye Stracciatella

A Dance Theatre about Friendship

Cie BewegGrund & Tabea Martin (CH)

What are we giving up?
What can't we do without?
What do we not want to give up?

Does renunciation always come with something unpleasant? Or can we also gain something when we give up something? "Goodbye Stracciatella" is a dance piece about a friendship that explores questions of renunciation and what can emerge when two people meet and are there for each other. "Goodbye Stracciatella" conveys current questions about friendship, joy of play, and renunciation in a playful manner.

For many years, Cie BewegGrund has been advocating for the development of inclusive dance in Switzerland and stages dance performances with artists with and without disabilities.

Tanzhaus Zürich
60 minutes with follow-up discussion
International Theatre/Dance Programme
Wheelchair accessible
Little or no language
Goodbye Stracciatella (Photo: Anne Steudler)
Goodbye Stracciatella (Photo: Anne Steudler)
Goodbye Stracciatella (Photo: Anne Steudler)
Goodbye Stracciatella (Photo: Anne Steudler)
Goodbye Stracciatella (Photo: Anne Steudler)
Goodbye Stracciatella (Photo: Anne Steudler)
Goodbye Stracciatella (Photo: Anne Steudler)
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Choreography / Concept:

Tabea Martin


Lukas Schwander & Emeric Rabot


Moos van den Broek


Yasmin Attar

Artistic Direction Cie BewegGrund:

Susanne Schneider


Verein BewegGrund


Barbara Widmer

Supported by:

Brändli-Stiftung, Burgergemeinde Bern, Kultur Stadt Bern, MBF Foundation, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Stiftung Corymbo, SWISSLOS – Kultur Kanton Bern